Plattform Services Electronic Advance Data – EAD

coming soon

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Today, electronic advance data (EAD) is mandatory for each and every postal item containing goods or merchandize. The first CEP (courier, express or parcel) operator in the delivery chain handles these “postal related” data elements (sender / recipient / postal fees / insurance / weight / size), issuing a unique transport ID (barcode) which ensures that this EAD is then directly linked to the individual consignment prior to induction into the delivery chain (“Leg 1”).
This principle of directly linking the EAD created by the sender (clear and unique description of the goods or merchandise, including information establishing product safety and transport security, the allocation of taxes and duties) to the consignment’s unique transport ID as issued by the first CEP operator was enshrined by the EU in its VAT Ecommerce package and has been enhanced in the EU’s ViDa Regulation proposal (VAT in the digital age) published on December 8, 2022.
The more that harmonized data becomes available, the more this data will determine the cost and efficiency of last mile delivery. EAD has been mandatory within the global postal network of the UPU since January 2021, and for all B2X supplies imported into the EU since the EU VAT Ecommerce package came into force in July 2021. Over the next 50 months0F1 the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) will be developing, or where necessary, enhancing and adjusting related standards.
Whereas in the past data was actively created as postal items reached the first automated sorting facilities, this data is now available in advance and accessible via the unique transport ID on each consignment to all those entitled to use it along the entire delivery chain. This will change not only the systems and processes of collecting consignments (“Leg 1”), the freight and transport line-haul (“Leg 2”), but most notably the preparation of “Leg 3” (last mile delivery), where we will see significant cost and efficiency enhancements.

weitere Abgabenrechlische Verpflichtungen zu jedem Paket z.B. beim Zoll, bzgl Verpackung, CO2

coming soon:

Babyklappe: automatischer Waren-ein- oder -ausgang mit Anbindung an EAD Datensysteme zur Zolldatenmodell-konformen EDI Übermittlung

„Messhütchen“ – VDE Modul: EAD- und damit Zolldatenmodell konforme Daten Erfassung und Erzeugung

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